Course Contents

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Course Overview

    • Course Objectives

    • Course Structure

    • Course Materials

    • Test Question

  • 2

    Module 1 - ICS Overview

    • Module 1 - ICS Overview

    • What is the Incident Command System?

    • When is ICS used and by Who?

    • Question - What is ICS

    • What are the benefits of ICS?

    • Question - Benefits of ICS

    • The Foundations of ICS and Effective Incident Management

    • Module 1 - Assessment

    • Module 1 Summary

  • 3

    Module 2 - Characteristics of ICS

    • Module 2 - Characteristics of ICS

    • Understanding the Characteristics of ICS

    • The Characteristics of ICS

    • Common Terminology

    • Question - Common Terminology

    • Modular Organisation

    • Question - Modular Organisation

    • Management by Objectives

    • Incident Action Planning

    • Manageable Span of Control

    • Question - Span of Control

    • Incident Facilities and Locations

    • Comprehensive Resource Management

    • Questions - Comprehensive Resource Management

    • Integrated Communications

    • Establishment and Transfer of Command

    • Single Command

    • Unified Command

    • Question - Unified Command

    • Chain of Command

    • Unity of Command

    • Question - Chain and Unity of Command

    • Accountability

    • Dispatch and Deployment

    • Question - Accountability, Dispatch and Deployment

    • Information and Intelligence Management

    • Module 2 - Assessment

    • Module 2 Summary

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    Module 3 - ICS Structure and Roles

    • Module 3 - ICS Structure and Roles

    • Main ICS Functional Areas

    • Question - Functional Areas

    • Functional Areas (Continued)

    • Incident Command Function

    • Incident Commander

    • Incident Commander Functions

    • Question - Incident Commander

    • Selecting or Changing Incident Command

    • Question - Incident Command

    • Command Staff

    • Question - Command Staff

    • Modular Organisation in Practice

    • Module 3 - Assessment

    • Module 3 Summary

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    Module 4 - General Staff Functions

    • Module 4 - General Staff Functions

    • General Staff

    • Operations Section

    • Operations Section - Critical Actions

    • Planning Section

    • Planning Section - Critical Actions

    • Question - Operations and Planning Sections

    • Logistics Section

    • Logistics Section - Critical Actions

    • Finance/Admin Section

    • Finance/Admin Section - Critical Actions

    • Question - Finance/Admin Section

    • Module 4 - Assessment

    • Module 4 Summary

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    Module 5 - ICS Applied

    • Module 5 - ICS Applied

    • Bevan Port - Scenario 1

    • Bevan Port - Scenario 1

    • Bevan Port - Scenario Update

    • Bevan Port - Scenario 2

    • Bevan Port - Scenario 2

    • Module 5 Summary

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    Final Exam

    • Exam Details

    • Final Exam